Paper Profiling
Why having paper profiling is essential for great printed photographs?
The Answer: Colour Accuracy & Consistency
Custom paper profiles are created for all our printing papers to ensure that the colours and tones of our images are accurately reproduced on that particular type of paper. Different papers have unique characteristics, such as surface texture, brightness, and colour response, which can affect how colours appear when printed. The main reasons why we create our own profiles are:
Colour Accuracy:
Different papers have different colour profiles and responses to ink. By calibrating the paper, we can ensure that the colours we see on our computer screen or in our printed proofs closely match the colours that will be produced on the specific paper we are using.
Calibrating papers helps maintain consistent colour reproduction across different print jobs and print runs. It allows us to establish a baseline for colour settings that can be replicated whenever we print on that particular type of paper.
Paper Variations: Even papers from the same manufacturer or brand can have slight variations in colour and texture due to manufacturing processes or different production batches. By calibrating the paper, we can account for these variations and make adjustments to achieve the desired colour accuracy.
Paper Variations:
Even papers from the same manufacturer or brand can have slight variations in colour and texture due to manufacturing processes or different production batches. By calibrating the paper, we can account for these variations and make adjustments to achieve the desired colour accuracy.
Optimal Output:
Calibrating papers ensures that we are using the full capabilities of the paper to achieve the best possible print quality. It helps us optimise the settings for contrast, saturation, and other factors to get the desired visual impact from our prints.
In simple terms:
Calibrating papers for printing helps us adjust the printing process to match the unique characteristics of each type of paper. It ensures accurate colour reproduction, consistency across print jobs, and optimal print quality. By calibrating the paper, we can achieve prints that closely resemble the colours and tones of our digital images and enhance the overall visual impact of our prints.